Buddy Holly Hall receives 2022 GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Award

For more information, please contact:
Andrea Chin, Communications Director
Email: [email protected]

Matthew Lella, Principal
Email: [email protected]

October 13, 2022

Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences has been honoured as an International Grand Prix Winner in the GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards program. 

The GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards celebrate and reward the work of international designers and architects who improve our quality of life and the built environment, as well as private and public clients who entrust them with their design needs.

Buddy Holly Hall in Lubbock, Texas, represents a city redefining itself through collaborative design and a community-funded commitment to the arts. Targeting LEED Silver Certification, the design draws influences from West Texas’ landscape. Horizonal striations running along the building’s envelope reflect the prismatic and layered rock formations of Texas’ canyons. The building’s colours are inspired by the desert plains, soil and sky, while its shapes and angles are abstractions of arroyos and other landforms.

See the full list of winners here.