Diamond Schmitt named Best Cultural Firm finalist of 2023 Architizer A+ Awards

For more information, please contact:
Andrea Chin, Communications Director
Email: [email protected]
Diamond Schmitt has been named a finalist in the Best Cultural Firm category of the 2023 Architizer A+ Awards.
The specialized award recognizes architecture and/or design firms from around the globe that demonstrate excellence in the cultural typology which encompasses projects that include, but are not limited to, museums and galleries, theatres, exhibition centres, religious buildings and memorials, among others.
At a moment when an ancient building type is being recharged with cultural meaning, Diamond Schmitt’s democratic approach to designing performing arts centres is one that is motivated by the diverse audiences and artists who use its spaces. Diamond Schmitt was nominated for its ability to transform the way in which one experiences performance through its designs – creating new dynamics between audience and performer, and the communities they serve. The firm's architectural spaces anticipate the future, ensuring success and sustainability both as a performance venue and a civic hub – a reminder of the social significance of the arts in urban life.
Alongside the jury winner, the public has the opportunity to have its say through the Architizer A+ Popular Choice Award voting – open until on May 12 at midnight, with all winners announced in June.
Please cast your vote for Diamond Schmitt - Best Cultural Firm here.
Diamond Schmitt's re-imagination of David Geffen Hall is also a finalist in the Architizer A+ Awards Cultural Hall/Theatre category which recognizes innovative built architecture of a hall or theatre that is either a stand alone building, or part of a larger performing arts complex. The design of the new David Geffen Hall has been nominated for how it enhances the concert-going experience, fosters a sense of community, and creates opportunities to support bold, innovative, and diverse artistic visions.
Please cast your vote for David Geffen Hall - Best Cultural Hall/Theatre here.
More information on the Architizer A+ Awards here.