Diamond Schmitt projects receive 2023 AIA Canada Design Awards of Excellence

For more information, please contact:
Andrea Chin, Communications Director
Email: [email protected]

Liz Gyde, Art Director
Email: [email protected]

December 22, 2023

Two of Diamond Schmitt's projects have received a 2023 AIA Canada Design Award of Excellence.

Manitou a bi Bii daziigae and David Geffen Hall were selected by the jury for their quality of design and commitment to preserving existing buildings, which advance social progress and sustainability. 

Manitou a bi Bii daziigae at Red River College Polytechnic in Winnipeg received an Award of Excellence in the Community Engaged Design category. The College wanted to create a space that was welcoming to Indigenous learners and community membersemphasizing the importance of representation for students, so they see themselves in the building. Through collaboration and consultations with the Winnipeg Arts Council and local Indigenous artists, design elements and artwork integrated into the building express traditional Indigenous teachings and local history. They form a deeper connection with the site and surrounding community which represents the largest urban population of Indigenous people in Canada.

David Geffen Hall in New York received an Award of Excellence in the Open International category. The re-imagination of the historic concert hall within its existing building envelope transforms it into a more accessible, inclusive, and unified space. The new David Geffen Hall enhances the concert-going experience, fosters a sense of community, and supports diverse artistic programs contributing to an enriched cultural experience, through its flexible and welcoming spaces. 

The AIA Canada Awards program runs annually and recognizes innovative thinking and design excellence in the work of AIA Canada members and design professionals.

See the full list of AIA Canada Design Award winners here.