Gregory Colucci

Phone: +1 416 862 8800 x245
Greg Colucci is dedicated to advancing Diamond Schmitt’s mission of transforming lives through design, particularly within its healthcare portfolio. Nowhere better than healthcare can one effectuate positive outcomes for those who require them the most.
This belief in the restorative power of good design to heal and transform lives is manifest throughout an extensive portfolio of healthcare projects, including Bridgepoint Active Health Care, which received the Governor General’s Medal in Architecture. Greg led the design and clinical planning team for the 400,000sf expansion of Medicine Hat Regional Hospital as well as led the firm’s design of the Peel Memorial Health Centre in Brampton. He is currently developing a master plan on two campuses for the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie, Ontario.
Responsive and reliable client service as well as effective and insightful team leadership distinguish Greg’s 30-year tenure with the firm. These skills have been applied to other large, diverse and complex projects including five Alternate Finance and Procurement (P3) projects, York University’s Markham Centre Campus, the UHN Michener Institute’s medical simulation centre, six community centres and multiple seaside developments in Eastern Europe.
Greg’s priority interests include environmental sustainability, operational effectiveness, clarity of planning, elegance in detailing, and high standards of constructability.
Notable Projects