Graeme Reed

Phone: +1 416 862 8800 x273
Graeme Reed joined the firm in 2002 and was integral to a number of winning design competitions as well as several design teams for high-profile projects including the University of British Columbia Life Sciences Center, the UBC Chemical and Biological Engineering building and the McGill University Bellini Life Science. Graeme also worked on the early phases of design of La Maison Symphonique in Montreal.
Beginning in 2008 Graeme spent 6 years living and working in New York City before rejoining Diamond Schmitt Architects in 2014 as Project Architect for the Senate of Canada’s interim home – the restored and transformed original Beaux-Arts Ottawa Union Station. Graeme also played a role in the winning design competition in 2015 to revitalize David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center and later participated in the London Symphony Orchestra design competition.
Graeme enjoys discovering design through listening, exploring and collaborating. He enjoys the challenge of designing complex systems, coordinating design disciplines alongside large construction management and trade teams and believes in design assist. He continues to work on projects in Canada and the US and develop the firm’s New York practice.
Notable Projects