Martin Kristensen

Phone: +1 416 862 8800 x350
Martin Kristensen is a designer who takes a thoughtful and focused approach to complex projects. His personable guidance of the design process allows for clear communication with clients, a considered coordination with consultants and an ability to resolve site issues during construction.
Martin has over 15 years of experience with the firm. His portfolio has focused on the design and construction administration of complex laboratory and research facilities. Among current projects is a laboratory for the National Research Council in Winnipeg. Previous roles include project architect for the Fraunhofer Project Centre for Biomedical Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing at McMaster University in Hamilton; project manager for the Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory at Queen’s University; and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute for St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. He brings a dedicated design sensibility to his extensive knowledge in laboratory planning.
He completed both his Bachelor of Environmental Design and his Master of Architecture while attending Dalhousie University in Halifax. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Augustana University College.
Notable Projects